Monday, July 15, 2013

FIRST family vacation...

On May 4, 2013 at 6am my brother (I just love saying that!) Michael, and my sister-in-law, Cindy picked me up to begin our first family vacation. We left our corner of the world and headed out west. I am so happy to be included in the yearly family trip with my siblings, it would not have mattered to me where we were going I was just thrilled to be included and looked forward to bonding with them. And bond we all did! Our road trip to meet Mary in Grand Junction Colorado was FUN! There are no other words to describe it. Cindy brought along with her many CD’s, oldies such as Beetles, Moody Blues, Eagles…music that we all knew, grew up with and could easily sing along too. Carrying a tune is not a talent of mine, I was bashful of singing along but quickly learned that Michael could not carry a tune either, obviously a family trait, so we laughed at how badly we were off key and happily sang along to every song. We would take breaks from the music, talk of current events, Cardinals baseball and several times spoke of our Mother Dorothy. We crossed the border into Colorado close to 5pm on Saturday evening. We stopped in Limon Colorado and checked into our rooms and went to dinner. We spoke of how we all enjoyed our day together and looked forward to Sunday’s adventure of getting up early and driving across the state of Colorado to meet Mary at the airport at 4pm. Here is a picture of Michael and myself entering the beautiful state of Colorado


  1. You sound so happy describing this! Looking forward to more of your vacation stories!

  2. I am like Linda - I can't wait to hear some more of the story! And I am so glad this turned out so great for you! Love, sandie

  3. Glad you enjoyed your trip--and being with family must have been awesome! I did go to Colorado a few years ago but it was for a meeting. However, we did get to Red Rock one evening.--impressive!
